Internship & Employment
During my last year at UF, I had the opportunity to work at the Language Learning Center, where my coworkers and I facilitated the language learning process for students learning a foreign language at UF. Those who typically came into the lab were Japanese, Mandarin, French, Italian, and Spanish learners.

For my last semester at UF, I have been working towards a certificate in TESL. I did an internship required by my certificate, where I taught advanced English to international scholars, who do research at UF. The picture on the left is of my co-teacher and I with two of our students.
Internship Reflection
My internship course was designed to provide instructional support and professional mentoring for novice second language teachers. Throughout the internship, I had the opportunity to learn about and participate in instructional activities of experienced ESL teachers, design, in collaboration with others, a course appropriate for Visiting Scholars, and created and taught appropriate instructional activities and materials for my course, as well as assessed my ability to teach lesson content while effectively managing the learning environment. I developed and implemented appropriate assessment measures to evaluate student learning and achievement. I also worked collaboratively with fellow interns and the internship supervisor as I planned and carried out my internship responsibilities. I worked with my classmates and was open to constructive criticism. My internship cohorts, or fellow teachers, built up a supportive community through respect and a generous spirit towards each other. Finally, I reflected on and learned about my own professional development as a second language instructor.